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About us

Smiling Nurse

Our mission

"Prevention is better than cure."

Our "blue sky project" (BSP) is to understand and realize more about the different areas of community health by providing international standardized according to CLSI (Clinical Laboratory & Standards Institute: Guideline) laboratory service to analyze every resident's blue print picture of health.

"Every Cloud has a Silver Lining."

First of all, we will provide the professional healthcare service from first priority of primary care area finally to all Hong Kong regions. 

"Open the cloud, See the blue sky!"

Our core value

The blue sky project (BSP) provides real-time big health data for different community areas in Hong Kong. We will consolidate, investigate and analyze all the big health data to find out: 

- the early disease without any symptoms,

- sub-clinical health related conditions, and

- progressively change in community health related disease detected.

Next stage of BSP is: "Blue Sky Strategy" (BSS)

BSS can assist to develop a "Health-Map" by using intelligent mapping technology and build up a more specific environmental or educational plan for those community healthcare areas, especially found in crowded community and in primary care level to reflect the environmental issue related to government policy or enhance more about awareness of health, such as understanding of worries of intake of fast food, modifying the life-styles, and then dietary intake. 

Nurse And Patient In Waiting Room
Science Researcher

Our vision

Our vision for a future of development of a primary health care system consists of the following characteristics -

(1) All citizens have access to the services of primary care physicians and use them as long-term health partners to improve and care for their own health with our efforts;

(2) Providing medical laboratory services through an interdisciplinary team with a focus on disease prevention and prevention of disease progression to enhance overall health awareness;

(3) The medical laboratory services provided will be of high quality and evidence-based, provided by highly trained professionals to work together at the patient, family and community levels.

This disclaimer has been especially designed by Pioneer MedLab Healthcare Services Limited

About us: Lab Members

Theory of Business

"Create a blue sky to protect your health;

Building blueprints to become smart cities;

unique testing and precised new knowledge to build a new future."

- Pioneer MedLab

About us: Quote

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